Glaucoma Management at Lenza Eye Center
Early Detection Means Less Vision Loss
Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Approximately 2.2 million Americans have been diagnosed with glaucoma. Another 2 million Americans have the disease but do not know it. Glaucoma is a disease where the eye pressure slowly damages the 1.1 million nerve cells in the eye. The nerve cells carry information from the eye to the brain, so if they are damaged no signal reaches the brain. Those cells combine together to form a structure in the eye called the optic nerve.
Glaucoma is a silent disease, there are no symptoms, and the damage to your vision is permanent. There is no cure for glaucoma, and there is no way of reversing the damage caused by glaucoma. Therefore, early diagnosis is the best strategy. Lenza Eye Center is dedicated to providing the most accurate and comprehensive screening for glaucoma.
Getting a General Screening for Glaucoma
Everybody should get a general screening. This is done as part of annual eye exam. Therefore, every person should get an eye exam once a year. As part of a general eye exam we will measure your eye pressure, get a family history, and perform a dilated eye exam to view the optic nerve. Depending on the findings of your general eye exam, your eye doctor may recommend further testing.

Further Testing for Glaucoma
This is recommended for patients with unusual findings on their general eye exam. It is covered under your medical insurance plan. This involves several tests:
- Corneal thickness analysis
- A lens exam of the eye’s drainage system (gonioscopy)
- Visual field analysis (a test that measures different points in your field of vision)
- Computerized optic nerve analysis
- A manual drawing of the shape of the optic nerve
Risk Factors for Glaucoma
There are several risk factors for glaucoma. Some of these factors depend on the shape of your eye and some depend on genetic factors. These include:
- Eye pressure over 21
- Thin corneas
- Family history of glaucoma
- Unusually shaped optic nerves
- Very farsighted individuals
- Very nearsighted individuals
Our doctors are dedicated to preserving your vision. You might be relieved to know that our eye center utilizes high precision diagnostic devices that catch glaucoma at the earliest possible stage. Rest assured, we are committed to providing you with exceptional accuracy in glaucoma testing and detection.
Glaucoma Diagnostics
Success in glaucoma treatment revolves around minimizing the side effects of glaucoma drops. Many patients being treated by outside doctors seek a second opinion from Dr. Alshiekh and Dr. Gurdian because they are frustrated with their vision, their comfort level, and their treatment plan from their optometrist. Enhanced diagnostic testing and years of experience treating glaucoma has allowed our doctors at Lenza to provide better visual outcomes and better comfort levels for our glaucoma patients.