Taking Your Child for an Eye Exam

You’ve probably gotten used to getting eye exams, but it’s important to remember that any trip to the doctor can be scary for a young one. That’s why it’s important that you prepare your little ones for their first eye exams. Doing so will ensure that the experience is as pain-free for them as possible, and it will also ensure that the eye doctor is able to properly diagnose and address any vision or eye issues that your child might be experiencing.
Before you bring your child in for his or her appointment, spend some time preparing him or her for what will happen. Perhaps you could show your child a picture or video of an eye exam on the Internet so that nothing is surprising. Also, you may wish – depending on the child’s age – to review some of the tests that will be administered. For example, you may wish to have your child review basic shapes so that he or she will be able to properly communicate what he or she is telling the eye doctor.
While not as stressful as a shot, eye drops can sometimes put children on edge. Therefore, you might want to show your child what eye drops are all about, and – if the child is willing – have him or her try them out. This is especially a good idea if your child is coming in for his or her first appointment.
After that, it’s all about having fun. There’s no reason for your child to be stressed out about getting an eye exam! This is especially the case when you bring him or her into Lenza Eye Center. Our optometrists love working with children, and they’ll ensure that your little one is in capable hands.
Lenza offers childrens eye exams: https://lenzaeye.com/eye-exams/childrens-eye-exams/